It's in the download page, It include both Play as Garrus and the Mod Manager. Dateiendungen, die von Mass Effect 2 Coalesced.ini Mod Manager erkannt werde This link takes me to a Play as Garrus mod at Nexus.

Sie können eine Datei mit einer der folgenden Dateiendungen über Mass Effect 2 Coalesced.ini Mod Manager öffnen und versuchen, sie in einem anderen, ebenfalls von Mass Effect 2 Coalesced.ini Mod Manager unterstützten Dateiformat zu speichern. Ash and Kaidan complexions mod can be found here Credits Huge thanks to beccatoria for helping me with setting up the files Mit Mass Effect 2 Coalesced.ini Mod Manager können Dateiformate zwischen den unten aufgeführten Dateiendungen konvertiert werden. This mod is incompatible with any mods which alters BioP_Char and BIOG_UIWorld files. Compatibility This mod is now compatible with ME2 Controller mod. INSTALL BEFORE ANY TEXTURE MODS! Install with Mass Effect 3 Mod Manager 6.

This program will supercede ME3MM once it reaches feature parity and users of that program will be upgraded to this one Mass Effect 2 ini Mod Manager at Mass Effect 2 Nexus - Mods and community You can manage mods with the Manage Target button. This program is designed to make it easier to install mods for the Mass Effect series for end users. ME3Tweaks Mod Manager is a Mod Manager that supports all three Mass Effect trilogy games, and is backwards compatible with mods designed for Mass Effect 3 Mod Manager.